Regular user can join conference, participate (talk) or leave conference, doesn't have any privileges. 

Conference Admin have a wide range of privileges, such as: 


1 to mute/unmute 

2 to lock/unlock conference 

3 to eject last user who joined conference 

4 to Decrease Volume of Conference with each 4 you press - end with 8 

6 to Increase Volume of Conference with each 6 you press - end with 8 

7 to Decrease your volume - end with 8 

9 to Increase your volume - end with 8 

If Marked option is enabled, conference calls coming from the extension will be treated with less than Admin, but higher than regular conference participant privileges. 

Marked users are mainly used to start or close conference. 

For example: 

- Wait the marked user to start conference / before allowing other participants to talk. 

- Close the conference when marked user exits. 

Dynamic conference allows the first user that calls the conference to set the PIN number for that conference during the call. All other callers will have to provide that PIN to be able to enter it.